
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ubuntu Linux

I'm gonna start by saying I have two computers, one is windows, the other Linux. So I am very open minded when it comes to operating systems. With that said now I can tell you how cool Linux is and you know I'm not one sided.

Let me make it short and just list some of the best features of Linux. Unlike Windows, Linux and Mac's have aroundless then 80 viruses. Windows has around 100,000 viruses.

Not only do Linux And Mac have less viruses but the way their operating systems work prevents the viruses from doing the same kind of damage that Windows is so used too. There is also many more security steps Linux takes.

Linux in my opinion is easier to use than Windows because it seems more user friendly. Instead of having a start menu you have seperate menus that handle different things, all labled accordingly. Another great thing about Linux is that it can be run directly from a cd, no installation needed. This method is great if you wanna try out the Linux operating system without having to reformat your computer.

There are a million reasons why I love Linux, not to mention its FREE, so go download it and try it today!

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